Thursday, 20 June 2013

Last Chance Saloon

I've got a couple of free weeks now, and I see my oncologist again on July 1st. I should say here that my oncologist is everything a doctor should be....... he listens! He discusses and makes you feel totally part of the decision making. So when we decided to drop the Tarceva and go with IV chemo, I came away feeling, if not happy, at least knowing I had all the facts and had made the "right" decision.

This, however, is the final treatment for me, and obviously there is no knowing what effect, if any, it will have on Horace and his hangers-on. From then on in it will be symptom management only, or alternative therapies. I am starting to research these therapies, but it is a minefield. I have managed to establish that there aren't any based on alcohol though!!!! I will be treated with Taxotere, which is apparently very aggressive, and can have really bad side effects. We will see.

We are going away for a short break next week, which I'm really looking forward to. We finally settled on Morecambe, not too far to drive, and we can have a look at Lancaster and the Lakes while we are there.

The support Tina and I have received has been incredible. I have already mentioned the front line NHS staff, St Johns Hospice and Macmillan, but it goes so much farther than that. Our families and friends were obviously shocked at my diagnosis/prognosis, and they couldn't always hide it, but they have remained consistently cheerful and supportive right through. I am so glad they will be there for Tina.

Because this damn disease has affected my breathing, I am not as mobile as I used to be. Don't take that the wrong way, I am not a cripple! It just takes more effort, and expends more energy to do things. I know I upset Tina sometimes because I insist on doing things (on the other hand I have the world's best get out of jail card when I don't want to do something!). Because of this I spend more time a home, and I can usually be found in the kitchen on the laptop. Here, I find yet another support network. Friends whom I have never met, and probably never will, are always there. There are also two specialised "lung cancer groups" I contribute to, and they are invaluable, especially The Lung Cancer Survivors Foundation. To each and every one of you, professional or personal.....THANK YOU FOR JUST BEING THERE.

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